The Treatment Benefit Scheme
The treatment benefit scheme is run by the Department of Social protection (DSP ) to provide a limited financial contribution towards certain dental services. It is available to insured workers, self-employed, their spouses and retired people who have the required number of PRSI contributions.
The terms of the scheme are available on the Department website and many people are unaware that they are eligible. Last year, for example, two and a half million people were entitled to treatment benefit and yet less than 600,000 people availed of the service.
23 to 28 Year Olds
The contribution requirements for 23 to 28 year olds changed last year. This group would have spent a number of years in full time education and, hence, struggled to fill the previous contribution requirements. But these have been lowered so, if you are between 23 and 28 and were previously told you were not qualified, it’s time to check again.
Checking your eligibility
The process to check your eligibility couldn't be easier. Simply click on the link here with your date of birth and PPS number. We’ll check your eligibility online with the Department and email you with a response as soon as we know. We can confirm if you are eligible for your free dental exam, a scale and Polish for 15 euros, or a contribution of €42 towards treatment of periodontal (gum) disease.
The scheme runs from 1st of January to the 31st of December each year. So make sure to use it within the calendar year.
A small number of workers will not have instant eligibility confirmed and their claim will be listed as pending. In this case the person making the claim will need to call the Department of Social Protection. For GDPR reasons the Department will only speak to the person themselves, however, most issues are usually resolved quickly with the call. The phone number for the Department of Social welfare is 1890 400 400.
Spouses or civil partners of qualified workers are also entitled to benefits. The spouse/civil partner must first get approval of their spouse to use their PPS number and complete a D2 form which is available at our practice (ask the reception). You then send this form to the Department of Social Welfare in a free post envelope which is supplied by the Department. Again there are conditions that need to be met for eligibility. Mullingar Dental will be notified of your eligibility by post and we will contact you once this is received.
History of the Scheme
The 2010 budget ended most benefits for insured workers with benefits reduced to one dental examination per year. These cuts meant that many workers lost benefits worth several hundreds of euros annually towards their dental treatment costs. Contributions were made towards fillings, extractions and dentures.
In 2017 the Government finally reintroduced a subsidised Scale and Polish for qualified workers at a cost of 15 euros to workers or, for those with gum disease, the Department pays a contribution of 42 euros and this is applied towards the treatment of gum disease and the patient pays the balance.
Use it or risk losing it again in the future.

For Employers
If you are an employer, did you know that your employees are entitled to these benefits? Have you encouraged them to avail of the scheme?
In today's environment with employers trying to improve benefits for workers, this is a benefit that’s available at no extra cost to you! In fact, you have already paid for it! So share this blog with your staff!
Those who are self-employed are also eligible if they have the required number of PRSI contributions.
Why should you encourage your staff to use their dental benefits?
Maintaining good oral health is crucial for overall well-being, and when your employees have healthy mouths, their general health tends to improve. As an employer aiming to minimise sick days, promoting regular dental checkups can prevent toothaches and decrease absenteeism. Prevention is better than cure. And staff with healthy smiles are more confident and better ambassadors for your business.
Virtual Consults from the comfort of home
Does this mean that my staff are going to need extra time to attend the dentist? Not at Mullingar dental. We offer an online consultation which can be done without going into the clinic. You can click here to get the process started. Your employees can start by submitting photographs, a short video and a consultation form. We’ll communicate with them and minimise their visits to the practice and this with the top quality service that you expect.
Share this post with your employees and encourage them to use their dental benefits. It is now easier than ever to have a healthy smile.

Text 087 313 2637 for call back or book your appointment here.