Here at Mullingar Dental Centre we aim to provide you with the best dental care. Good oral hygiene is key to your dental work surviving for many years. You need to brush your teeth and gums thoroughly, twice a day. Healthy teeth and gums are important for overall health so it pays to look after them. All dental work will fail if you don’t.
We're always looking for new products that makes this easier for you. We think the Triple Bristle Brush is a great find and can really improve oral health. This brush was initially designed by a dentist in the United States for carers looking after patients with special needs. It's three sides makes it easier for a carer to brush someone‘s teeth.
The brush, however, became a winner with all patients. All three surfaces of the tooth are brushed at the same time. Most people are fine brushing the outside of their teeth but miss the inner surface. They may also brush too hard or at the wrong angle and then suffer from receding gums. With the Triple Bristle brush this is no longer the case. All surfaces of the tooth are brushed and the bristles are angled to brush gums as well without causing them to recede.
An electric brush used incorrectly can increase the risk of gum recession. But with the Triple Bristle, it's impossible to angle the brush incorrectly which is another reason why we love it.
It's superior cleaning ability means it gets the job done in 1/3rd the time. With a regular brush you ideally brush for 2 minutes. But even 40 seconds of brushing with the Triple Bristle is better than two minutes from a manual brush.
The Triple Bristle Brush is ideal for patients with braces, crowns or implants. It can be used on all adults and for children 6 years of age and over.
The electric battery version is great for travelling and daily use at work. Bristles have a wear indicator which remind you when you need to change heads. Triple bristle replacement heads are available as well.
It takes a few days to get used to the tickly feeling of the brush but it's worth persisting. By the end of the week you'll love the brush and get so many amazing oral health benefits too.
The brush and head replacements are available at our practice at Mullingar Dental Centre or online in our shop here.