Kit Calm is an electronic device for reducing anxiety and improving patient-dentist communication. It consists of a portable wireless receptor, installed in the exam room, that emits a luminous and acoustic signal when the remote control is pressed. The feeling of having more control helps you (the patient) relax and be more calm.

Patients focus their attention on the remote control and know that, by just pressing it, they can communicate with the dentist. This eases their sense of vulnerability. Additionally, the luminous and acoustic signal assures the patient that their wish has been transmitted.
This revolutionary device helps patients better establish direct communication with the dentist and clinic staff. You can use it at any time to express your desire to stop the procedure, express pain or get attention.

Kit Calm is an absolute success with children meaning treatments are faster and fun. It improves the patient experience during treatment, and is especially useful in long-term surgeries, paediatric dentistry and special patients.
We work hard at Mullingar Dental Centre to ensure that your patient experience is as relaxing as possible. This focus is what sets us apart from so many other dental clinics.We use innovative technology and equipment which we know will help you. Get in touch to find out more or make your appointment now at one of our two convenient locations.