Most people feel anxious when coming to the dentist and would welcome anything which helps them relax and have their treatment completed without having to take any medication.
Here at Mullingar Dental Centre we offer the Alpha-Stim to help. We are one of the few practices in the country offering this and the great news is that it free of charge! The technology has been available for about 30 years and is very safe. It can be used by all ages, and the only people who can't use it are those with pacemakers and pregnant women.

It involves placing small, comfortable clips on your earlobes that help modify your natural "fight or flight" response. Your brain works at different wave lengths: alpha, beta and gamma waves. Alpha waves make you feel relaxed and calm.
The Alpha-stim ear clips allow your brain to produce more alpha waves and this relaxes you. We usually put on the Alpha-Stim in the waiting room so that you are relaxed before you are brought into the dental chair. We all use these ourselves here in Mullingar Dental, at lunch time and in the evenings to relax.
Alpha-Stim Ear Clips are used also to treat general anxiety, depression, pain and insomnia. Please ask if you would like a 30 minute session before ordering your own device for home use .